PHILADELPHIA, PA, December 7, 2017 – Please add the following information to your community events listings. The news media is also encouraged to attend this event as part of your holiday coverage.

What: Free Photos with Santa Claus/Fotos Gratis con Santa hosted by state Sen. Christine Tartaglione and state Rep. Angel Cruz.

When: Wednesday, December 20, 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.

where: 400 W. Allegheny Ave., Suite E-11, Phila., PA 19133

Details: Santa Claus and his elves have been hard at work making toys at the North Pole. But state Sen. Tina Tartaglione and state Rep. Angel Cruz have asked Santa to make a special visit to the senator’s new Allegheny Avenue office to collect Christmas lists from all the children. Families are invited to come and get their pictures taken with Santa for free. And while you’re here, you can obtain information about state-sponsored programs and services including home heating assistance and rent rebates.

Santa Claus y sus elfos han estado trabajando duro haciendo juguetes en el Polo Norte. Pero la senadora estatal Tina Tartaglione y el Representante Estatal Angel Cruz le han pedido a Santa que haga una visita especial a la nueva oficina de la Senador en la oficina de la avenida Allegheny para recolectar listas de Navidad de todos los niños. Las familias están invitadas a venir y tomarse fotos gratis con Santa. Y mientras esté aquí, puede obtener información sobre los programas y servicios patrocinados por el estado, incluida la asistencia de calefacción en el hogar y descuentos en el alquiler.

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If you would like more information about this topic, please contact Bill Kenny at 215-533-0440 or email at [email protected].