Comunicados de prensa
Lawncrest Community Welcomes Senator Tartaglione’s Senior Expo for the First Time
Hundreds of seniors and their caregivers joined more than 50 vendors at the Lawncrest Recreation Center to exchange information about vital programs and services. Philadelphia, PA, October 3, 2019 – Hundreds of Northeast Philadelphia-area senior citizens and their...
Senator Tartaglione to Host Second of Three Senior Expos this Thursday At Lawncrest Recreation Center
PHILADELPHIA, PA, October 2, 2019 – State Sen. Christine Tartaglione invites older Philadelphians and their primary caregivers to take part in her next Senior Expo tomorrow at Lawncrest Recreation Center. This is the first time in the 15-year-history of her annual...
Senator Tartaglione Announces Statewide Student Video Competition Exploring PA’s Farming Legacy
PHILADELPHIA, PA, October 2, 2019 – State Senator Christine M. Tartaglione (D-Philadelphia) is encouraging middle and high school students to share their ideas about how to support agriculture in Pennsylvania as part of the third annual “Talk to Your State Senator”...
Senator Tartaglione’s Senior Expo Brings Dozens of Service-Providers to Port Richmond PAL Center
St. Anne’s/26th District PAL was the setting for the first of the senator’s three 2019 Senior Expos. Vendors delivered vital information to improve the lives of older adults. Philadelphia, PA, September 19, 2019 – State Senator Christine M. Tartaglione’s annual Senior...
Senator Tartaglione Invites Older Adults and their Caregivers to her Three Annual Senior Expos
PHILADELPHIA, PA, September 3, 2019 – State Sen. Christine Tartaglione invites older Philadelphians and their primary caregivers to her annual Senior Expo series in the coming weeks. The senator will host the Expos at three community venues in the 2nd Senate District,...
Reacción de los legisladores ante el informe del Gran Jurado que pide un nuevo sistema de investigación de las denuncias por conducta sexual inapropiada
HARRISBURG, 27 de agosto de 2019 - Después de una revisión de meses de una queja de mala conducta sexual contra un ex miembro de la Cámara de Pensilvania, un gran jurado del condado de Dauphin ha pedido que la Legislatura de Pensilvania cree una nueva e independiente Oficina de...
El senador Tartaglione concluye la serie anual de picnics comunitarios con un día lleno de diversión en el parque Wissinoming
Filadelfia, PA, 22 de agosto de 2019 - La senadora estatal Christine Tartaglione concluyó sus Picnics Comunitarios 2019 con una nota alta hoy, ya que los niños de las escuelas locales acudieron en masa a Wissinoming Park para la tercera y última reunión de la serie anual de verano.
Senator Christine Tartaglione Brings Backpacks, Family Fun to Lawncrest with Her Annual Community Picnic
PHILADELPHIA, PA – August 16, 2019 – State Senator Christine Tartaglione handed out free backpacks and back-to-school supplies to more than 400 appreciative children at the Lawncrest Recreation Center yesterday as she hosted a Community Picnic at the bustling...
Senator Tartaglione’s Community Picnic Draws Hundreds of Families to Fairhill Square Park
PHILADELPHIA, PA, August 8, 2019 – State Sen. Christine Tartaglione’s Community Picnic was a huge hit with the children and their families who gathered at Fairhill Square Park today to delight in free music, hot dogs, soft pretzels, water ice, face painting, and the senator’s popular back-to-school backpack giveaway. Hundreds of youths walked away wearing new school bags on their shoulders and smiles on their faces.
Senator Tartaglione Announces $2.5 Million in State Redevelopment Grants for the 2nd Senate District
Philadelphia, PA, August 1, 2019 – State Senator Christine M. Tartaglione today announced that Pennsylvania’s Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program (RACP) has awarded almost $2.5 million in grants to applicants within the 2nd Senate District. RCAP is a Commonwealth...
El senador Tartaglione y el diputado Cruz ayudan a decenas de electores a informarse sobre el programa de marihuana medicinal de Pensilvania
Philadelphia, PA, July 30, 2019 – State Senator Christine M. Tartaglione and State Representative Angel Cruz welcomed dozens of constituents to the senator’s district office in Fairhill today to share valuable information about Pennsylvania’s Medical Marijuana program and to help folks access the potentially life-changing medicines.
PA Senate Democratic Caucus Decries Changes to SNAP Program, Urges PA Congressional Delegation to Oppose
Harrisburg, Pa. – July 29, 2019 – Members of the Pennsylvania Senate Democratic Caucus sent a letter to the state’s congressional delegation, urging that the federal Department of Agriculture does not end automatic eligibility for Supplemental Nutritional Assistance...
Tartaglione anuncia una subvención para suministrar productos frescos en las escuelas del 2º distrito
Philadelphia, PA, July 15, 2019 – State Senator Christine M. Tartaglione (D-Philadelphia) is pleased to announce that seven elementary schools within the 2nd Senate District have been selected to receive federal funding to provide students with fresh fruits and...
Tartaglione vota "no" a un presupuesto de la AP que desprecia a los trabajadores con salarios bajos y a los residentes vulnerables en crisis
Philadelphia, PA, June 27, 2019 – State Senator Christine M. Tartaglione (D-Philadelphia) today voted ‘no’ on House Bill 790, the $34 billion 2019-2020 state spending plan that failed to include language to raise the Commonwealth’s long-stagnant minimum wage.
A pesar de la oposición, el Senado, liderado por los republicanos, aprobó el proyecto de presupuesto por 42 votos a favor y 8 en contra, y remitió la legislación a la oficina del gobernador para su consideración.
Miembros del grupo demócrata del Senado de Pensilvania piden que se declare catástrofe la violencia armada
Harrisburg, Pa. − June 24, 2019 − Members of the Pennsylvania Senate Democratic Caucus today jointly sent a letter to Governor Tom Wolf requesting a disaster declaration for gun violence in the Commonwealth. “We believe it is necessary to raise the public’s awareness...
Marsy’s Law for Pennsylvania Presents Sen. Tartaglione with Guardian of Victims’ Rights Award
Philadelphia, PA − June 10, 2019 − Marsy’s Law for Pennsylvania, which is aimed at providing equal rights to crime victims in Pennsylvania by ensuring constitutional protections, announced that State Senator Christine Tartaglione has been presented the Guardian of Victims’ Rights Award.
Tartaglione and Colleagues Tour Successful Philadelphia Business that Chooses to Pay its Workers Fair Wages
As part of a statewide “RealJobs RealPay” Day of Action, the senator visited La Barberia in Suburban Station and highlighted the benefits of raising the minimum wage. Philadelphia, PA, May 23, 2019 – State Senator Christine M. Tartaglione (D-Philadelphia) today led...
Funcionarios estatales y defensores de los derechos de los trabajadores inician una gira por Empleo real, salario real
Pennsylvania − May 20, 2019 − Advocates, lawmakers and state officials will participate in tours and a statewide day of action on Thursday, May 23rd with businesses that choose to pay their employees a living wage. Pennsylvania’s minimum wage remains at a regional low...
Senator Tartaglione Becomes Newest Appointment to Temple University’s Board of Trustees
HARRISBURG, PA, May 8, 2019 – State Senator Christine M. Tartaglione (D-Philadelphia) was appointed by the Senate today as the newest member of the Temple University Board of Trustees. She will join Governor Tom Wolf, Philadelphia Mayor James Kenney, and other high-ranking leaders from Pennsylvania’s public and private sectors on the body that governs the 135-year-old state-related research institution.
Senator Tartaglione Joins Philadelphia Area Leaders to Promote Public Participation in 2020 Census
PHILADELPHIA, PA, April 1, 2019 – State Sen. Christine M. Tartaglione (D-Philadelphia) today joined federal, state, and local public officials, along with community, corporate, and labor leaders, at the National Constitution Center to launch a new committee that will promote public participation in the 2020 national census.