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Sen. Tartaglione Brings COVID Vaccine Clinic to Frankford

Sen. Tartaglione Brings COVID Vaccine Clinic to Frankford

Philadelphia, PA – April 23, 2021 – State Senator Christine Tartaglione (D-Philadelphia) welcomed hundreds of constituents to The Baptist Worship Center in Northeast Philadelphia’s Frankford neighborhood today for a free pop-up COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic. The senator...

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El senador Tartaglione y el congresista Boyle detallan sus esfuerzos por aumentar el salario mínimo en Pensilvania y en todo el país

El senador Tartaglione y el congresista Boyle detallan sus esfuerzos por aumentar el salario mínimo en Pensilvania y en todo el país

Filadelfia, PA - 27 de enero de 2021 - Los trabajadores con salario mínimo de Pensilvania no han recibido un aumento salarial sustancial en más de 14 años. Hoy, la senadora estatal Christine Tartaglione (D-Filadelfia) y el representante de EE.UU. Brendan Boyle (D-Pennsylvania) detallaron sus esfuerzos para aumentar el salario mínimo para la Commonwealth y para la nación a medida que comienzan las nuevas sesiones legislativas en Harrisburg y Washington, DC.

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Senator Tartaglione Applauds Wolf’s Proposal to Make $145 Million Available for Small Business Relief

Senator Tartaglione Applauds Wolf’s Proposal to Make $145 Million Available for Small Business Relief

Philadelphia, PA – State Senator Christine Tartaglione (D-Philadelphia) applauded today’s announcement by Governor Tom Wolf of his intent to transfer $145 million from the state’s Workers’ Compensation Security Fund into the General Fund so that they may be reallocated for pandemic-related small business relief. Senator Tartaglione also urged her General Assembly colleagues to grant the legislative authorization required to appropriate the funds as grants to small businesses adversely affected by the pandemic.

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