Comunicados de prensa
Latest Liquor Plan Fails to be ‘Everything to Everybody’
HARRISBURG, June 18, 2013 – State Sen. Christine M. Tartaglione today released the following statement regarding Sen. McIlhinney’s liquor proposal: “I am grateful to Sen. McIlhinney for taking the time and making the effort to listen to a broad range of opinions on...
Tartaglione Supports Better Budget Alternative
HARRISBURG, June 3, 2013 -- State Sen. Christine M. Tartaglione today joined her Democratic colleagues in support of a budget alternative that improves funding for schools, social services and job creation while holding the line on broad-based taxes. “Governor...
Tartaglione on Corbett Interview: ‘Damn Lies and Statistics’
HARRISBURG, April 30, 2013 — Gov. Corbett’s contention that drug use is responsible for Pennsylvania’s high unemployment rate is disturbing, but not the most troubling part of his interview on, state Sen. Christine M. Tartaglione said today. “The...
On Tax Day, Tartaglione Decries Corbett Policy
HARRISBURG, April 15, 2013 – With the deadline for filing tax returns looming, state Sen. Christine M. Tartaglione decried the Corbett administration’s strategy of relief for large corporations along with increased scrutiny for individuals. “When the administration...
Tartaglione: PA Leaders Head South…Along with PA Economy
HARRISBURG – April 12, 2013 -- Bad news continues to pile up for Pennsylvania workers, while the state’s economic leaders look to South America for answers, state Sen. Christine M. Tartaglione said today. Figures released by the U.S. Department of Labor this week show...
Missed Opportunities Result in Rising Unemployment
Harrisburg, March 19, 2013 -- Employment numbers released by Pennsylvania labor officials this week show the state continuing to move in the wrong direction while falling far behind surrounding states in job creation, two leading state senators said today. “The...
Tartaglione Statement on Lottery Decision
HARRISBURG, February 14, 2013 — State Sen. Christine M. Tartaglione today released the following statement regarding Attorney General Kathleen Kane’s decision to reject the lottery contract with Camelot Global Services: “The Attorney General used her authority to...
Tartaglione Statement on Budget Proposal
HARRISBURG, February 5, 2013 – State Sen. Christine M. Tartaglione today released the following statement regarding Gov. Corbett’s proposed budget: “In two years, Pennsylvania has fallen from the top ten into the bottom third in job creation. If this budget were...
Tartaglione Statement on Liquor Privatization
HARRISBURG, January 30, 2013 – State Sen. Christine M. Tartaglione today released the following statement regarding Gov. Corbett’s plans for Pennsylvania liquor stores: “It’s obvious that there is little support in the General Assembly for the governor’s strange...
Tartaglione Questions Unemployment Processing Delays
HARRISBURG, Jan. 29, 2012 – State Sen. Christine M. Tartaglione today joined House and Senate colleagues in questioning Pennsylvania’s Secretary of Labor and Industry about chronic delays and busy signals plaguing the state’s unemployment compensation phone system....
Tartaglione: Hearing Doesn’t Sell Lottery Deal
HARRISBURG, Jan. 14, 2012 – A day-long hearing today regarding the Corbett administration’s plan to hand the Pennsylvania Lottery over to a foreign operator failed to address serious concerns about the deal and the secretive and unilateral process by which it was...
Governor’s Camelot Move ‘Another Brick in the Wall’
January 11, 2012 — State Sen. Christine M. Tartaglione today released the following statement regarding the administration’s announcement regarding Camelot and the Pennsylvania Lottery: “After campaigning to a public demand for transparency and open government, the...
Tartaglione vuelve a ser nombrado Presidente de Trabajo; su objetivo es el salario mínimo
HARRISBURG, Jan. 8, 2013 – State Sen. Christine M. Tartaglione, recently re-appointed as Democratic chair of the Senate Labor and Industry Committee, said today she will use the position to push for changes in Pennsylvania’s minimum wage law in order to prevent ...
Tartaglione Attends State Police Graduation
HARRISBURG, December 21, 2012 – State Sen. Christine M. Tartaglione today attended ceremonies honoring a class of “There is something incredibly inspiring about being in the presence of young men and women about to embark on a career of public service that requires...
Tartaglione: Help Available if Electricity Service is Terminated
HARRISBURG, Dec. 12, 2012 – Philadelphians who have had their electric service terminated should check into their eligibility for a state program that provides utility grants in crisis situations, state Sen. Christine M. Tartaglione said today. As part of...
Tartaglione Questions Delaware Subsidiary of PA Lottery Bidder
HARRISBURG, Dec. 5, 2012 – State Sen. Christine M. Tartaglione is asking Corbett administration officials why an international gambling company created a Delaware corporation to submit its bid to take over the Pennsylvania Lottery. According to Delaware’s Department...
Tartaglione Praises Corbett Commitment to Intellectually Disabled
HARRISBURG, Nov. 29, 2012 – State Sen. Christine M. Tartaglione today praised Gov. Corbett’s recently expressed commitment to cutting the long waiting list of intellectually disabled adults who need community-based services. Tartaglione was reacting to remarks made...
Tartaglione Urges Immediate Action on Child-Protection Report
HARRISBURG, Nov. 28, 2012 – State Sen. Christine M. Tartaglione today called on the Corbett administration to quickly begin implementation of the recommendations of the Pennsylvania Task Force on Child Protection. “Some of the recommendations can be done without...
Tartaglione recoge juguetes para los niños en las oficinas de distrito
HARRISBURG, Nov. 21, 2012 – State Sen. Christine M. Tartaglione announced today that she is again hosting a “Toys for Tots” collection box in each of her two district offices. “Through these years of difficult financial times, the people of Philadelphia have always...
Tartaglione Urges US Air to Settle Labor Contract Before Merger
HARRISBURG, Nov. 20, 2012 – State Sen. Christine M. Tartaglione is urging US Air to settle long-stalled contract talks with its current workers before closing a merger with American Airlines. In a letter to Douglas Parker, CEO of US Airlines Group, Tartaglione said...